Eintrag #1 vom 02. Sep. 2004 12:34 Uhr
Gottfried Scherz
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Mittelalterfeste in Tschechien und Ungarn?
Weiß jemand Termine bzw. kennt jemand gute Internetseiten (Nach Möglichkeit auf Deutsch) bezüglich solcher Feste in Tschechien oder Ungarn?
Danke im Voraus!
Eintrag #2 vom 02. Sep. 2004 12:39 Uhr
Michael Knapp
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Mittelalterfeste in Tschechien und Ungarn?
Taborer Treffen 2004 von 10.9. - 12.9.
60km von österreichischen Grenzübergang Gmünd:
MfG, Michael
Eintrag #3 vom 02. Sep. 2004 12:44 Uhr
Michael Knapp
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Koronuvácia 2004 in Bratislava (4.9.2004)
September 4, 2004 will see the streets of Bratislava filled with citizens and many foreign guests for the second time. The reason will be a royal procession and various supporting programs connected with the reconstruction of the coronation of queen Elisabeth, wife of Maximilian II. Habsburg.
The program will be really great and TOSTABUR will cooperate these activities:
1. Royal procession, or better to be said processions, because three processions will start on 10 am at different places and all will assimilate into one before Cathedral of St. Martin and will follow the route toward Hviezdoslavovo square.
2. Participation on the act of coronation - in the role of courtiers
3. Knight tourney in the name of the queen - our main program
4. Programs in the streets - we partially coordinate jugglers and jesters, and offer services of historical shooting from crossbows and of medieval justice.
5. Evening program as a part of coronation feast - this program is closed for invited guests in the form of historical feast.
Except all mentioned above, there will be of course many more supporting activities, which we recommend to take a look on !
Timeline will be propagated by classic information services, bulletins and we will drum them through the city - groups of our drummers will be seen on various places.
Everyone is invited and welcome !
MfG, Michael