Eintrag #2 vom 19. Sep. 2006 15:38 Uhr
Karen Thöle
Bitte einloggen, um Karen Thöle eine Nachricht zu schreiben.
Für eine spontane Antwort aus dem Bauch heraus ist mir 1170 ein bißchen zu früh. Aber bevor hier gar keine Antwort kommt, versuche ich doch mal zu helfen.
Ich habe hier vor mir den Ausstellungskatalog "Europas Juden im MIttelalter", herausgegeben vom Historischen Museum der Pfalz Speyer. Unter den Abbildungen gibt es leider auch keine Juden des späten 12. Jahrhundert, sondern nur spätere Abbildungen. Soweit ich das beurteilen kann, sieht die Kleidung der Juden mit Ausnahme der gelegentlich getragenen Judenhüte nicht anders aus als die Kleidung der Christen zur gleichen Zeit. Eine Ausnahme sind hier die spanischen Buchmalereien; hier sind mir besonders viele ungewöhnliche gugelartige Kleidungsstücke aufgefallen.
Die Texte in dem Katalog heben an mehreren Stellen hervor, daß es so etwas wie eine abgegrenzte "jüdische Kultur", die sich deutlich von der christlichen abgrenzt, im Mittelalter nicht gegeben habe: Ein Synagogenbau kann romanisch oder gotisch sein; die Gebrauchskeramik stammte aus den gleichen Werkstätten usw. Ob das auch für die Mode galt, präzisieren die Texte jedoch anscheinend nicht.
Ein wegen Deiner zweiten Frage interessantes Zitat möchte ich allerdings abtippen: Es geht in dem Abschnitt um von Juden ausgeübte Handels- und Handwerkstätigkeiten, und zwar nördlich wie südlich der Alpen. "Die Beteiligung von Juden an der Herstellung von Waffen ist nur eines unter mehreren Argumenten gegen die verbreitete Auffassung, dass Juden das Tragen und der Gebrauch von Waffen generell untersagt worden sei." (Europas Juden im Mittelalter, S. 34).
Was aber die Bewaffnung Deines geplanten jüdischen Händlers angeht: Ich würde ihn jetzt trotzdem nicht gleich hochrüsten. Der Schutz der Straßen und der Schutz der Händler war eine Aufgabe der örtlichen Adligen, eine Aufgabe, die sie sich durch Zölle entsprechend bezahlen ließen. Ob das gegen jeden Straßenräuber half, wage ich zu bezweifeln, aber eine kleine Privatarmee, die einen Handelszug begleitet, dürfte dem entsprechenden Adel etwas sauer aufgestoßen sein.
Bis denn
Karen Thöle
Eintrag #6 vom 20. Sep. 2006 18:13 Uhr
Nikolaj Thon
Bitte einloggen, um Nikolaj Thon eine Nachricht zu schreiben.
Und ich bin’s noch mal. Für das 13. Jh. sind von hohem Interesse die Juden betreffenden Kanones des Laterankonzils:
67. De usuris Iudaeorum
Quanto amplius christiana religio ab exactione compescitur usurarum, tanto gravius super his Iudaeorum perfidia inolescit ita, quod brevi tempore christianorum exhauriunt facultates. Volentes igitur in hac parte prospicere christianis, ne a Iudaeis immaniter aggraventur, synodali decreto statuimus ut si de caetero quocumque praetextu Iudaei a christianis graves et immoderatas usuras extorserint, christianorum eis participium subtrahatur, donec de immoderato gravamine satisfecerint competenter. Christiani quoque, si opus fuerit, per censuram ecclesiasticam appellatione postposita compellantur ab eorum commerciis abstinere. Principibus autem iniungimus, ut propter hoc non sint christianis infesti, sed potius a tanto gravamine Iudaeos studeant cohibere. Ac eadem poena Iudaeos decernimus compellendos ad satisfaciendum ecclesiis pro deci|mis et oblationibus debitis, quas a christianis de domibus et possessionibus aliis percipere consueverant, antequam ad Iudaeos quocumque titulo devenissent, ut sic ecclesiae conserventur indemnes.
68. Ut Iudaei discernantur a christianis in habitu
In nonnullis provinciis a christianis Iudaeos seu Saracenos habitus distinguit diversitas, sed in quibusdam sic quaedam inolevit confusio, ut nulla differentia discernantur. Unde contingit interdum, quod per errorem christiani Iudaeorum seu Saracenorum et Iudaei seu Saraceni christianorum mulieribus commisceantur. Ne igitur tam damnatae commixtionis excessus per velamentum erroris huiusmodi excusationis ulterius possint habere diffugium, statuimus ut tales utriusque sexus in omni christianorum provincia et omni tempore, qualitate habitus publice ab aliis populis distinguantur, cum etiam per Moysen hoc ipsum legatur eis iniunctum. In diebus autem lamentationis et dominicae passionis, in publicum minime prodeant, eo quod nonnulli ex ipsis talibus diebus, sicut accepimus, ornatius non erubescunt incedere ac christianis, qui sacratissimae passionis memoriam exhibentes lamentationis signa praetendunt, illudere non formidant. Illud autem districtissime inhibemus, ne in contumeliam Redemptoris prosilire aliquatenus praesumant. Et quoniam illius dissimulare non debemus opprobrium, qui probra nostra delevit, praecipimus praesumptores huiusmodi per principes saeculares condignae animadversionis adiectione compesci, ne crucifixum pro nobis praesumant aliquatenus blasphemare.
69. Ne Iudaei publicis officiis praeficiantur
Cum sit nimis absurdum, ut Christi blasphemus in christianos vim potestatis exerceat, quod super hoc Toletanum concilium provide statuit, nos propter transgressorum audaciam in hoc capitulo innovamus, prohibentes ne Iudaei officiis publicis praeferantur, quoniam sub tali praetextu christianis plurimum sunt infesti. Si quis autem officium eis tale commiserit, per provinciale concilium, quod singulis praecipimus annis celebrari, monitione praemissa, districtione qua convenit compescatur. Officiali vero huiusmodi tamdiu christianorum communio in commerciis et aliis denegetur, donec in usus pauperum christianorum, secundum | providentiam dioecesani episcopi, convertatur quicquid fuerit adeptus a christianis, occasione officii sic suscepti, et officium cum pudore dimittat, quod irreverenter assumpsit. Hoc idem extendimus ad paganos.
70. Ne conversi ad fidem de Iudaeis veterem ritum Iudaeorum retineant
Quidam, sicut accepimus, qui ad sacri undam baptismatis voluntarii accesserunt, veterem hominem omnino non exuunt, ut novum perfectius induant [cf. Col 3.9], cum prioris ritus reliquias retinentes, christianae religionis decorem tali commixtione confundant. Cum autem scriptum sit: maledictus homo qui terram duabus viis ingreditur [Ecli 2.14; 3.28], et indui vestis non debeat lino lanaque contexta [cf. Dt 22.11], statuimus, ut tales per praelatos ecclesiarum ab observantia veteris ritus omnimodo compescantur, ut quos christianae religioni liberae voluntatis arbitrium obtulit, salutiferae coactiois necessitas in eius observatione conservet; cum minus malum existat, viam Domini non agnoscere, quam post agnitam retroire [cf. 2 Pt 2.21].
Und hier eine ßbersetzung (englisch, deutsch habe ich leider derzeit nicht zur Hand, ist aber enthalten in: Kirche und Synagoge. Handbuch zur Geschichte von Christen und Juden. Darstellung mit Quellen, hg. von K. H. RENGSTORF & S. von KORTZFLEISCH, Bd. 1, Stuttgart 1968, S. 222 f.):
67. Jews and excessive Usury
The more the Christian religion is restrained from usurious practices, so much the more does the perfidy of the Jews grow in these matters, so that within a short time they are exhausting the resources of Christians. Wishing therefore to see that Christians are not savagely oppressed by Jews in this matter, we ordain by this synodal decree that if Jews in future, on any pretext, extort oppressive and excessive interest from Christians, then they are to be removed from contact with Christians until they have made adequate satisfaction for the immoderate burden. Christians too, if need be, shall be compelled by ecclesiastical censure, without the possibility of an appeal, to abstain from commerce with them. We enjoin upon princes not to be hostile to Christians on this account, but rather to be zealous in restraining Jews from so great oppression. We decree, under the same penalty, that Jews shall be compelled to make satisfaction to churches for tithes and offerings due to the churches, which the churches were accustomed to receive from Christians for houses and other possessions, before they passed by whatever title to the Jews, so that the churches may thus be preserved from loss.
68. Jews appearing in public
A difference of dress distinguishes Jews or Saracens from Christians in some provinces, but in others a certain confusion has developed so that they are indistinguishable. Whence it sometimes happens that by mistake Christians join with Jewish or Saracen women, and Jews or Saracens with Christian women. In order that the offence of such a damnable mixing may not spread further, under the excuse of a mistake of this kind, we decree that such persons of either sex, in every Christian province and at all times, are to be distinguished in public from other people by the character of their dress - seeing moreover that this was enjoined upon them by Moses himself, as we read. They shall not appear in public at all on the days of lamentation and on passion Sunday; because some of them on such days, as we have heard, do not blush to parade in very ornate dress and are not afraid to mock Christians who are presenting a memorial of the most sacred passion and are displaying signs of grief. What we most strictly forbid however, is that they dare in any way to break out in derision of the Redeemer. We order secular princes to restrain with condign punishment those who do so presume, lest they dare to blaspheme in any way him who was crucified for us, since we ought not to ignore insults against him who blotted out our wrongdoings.
69. Jews not to hold public offices
It would be too absurd for a blasphemer of Christ to exercise power over Christians. We therefore renew in this canon, on account of the boldness of the offenders, what the council of Toledo providently decreed in this matter : we forbid Jews to be appointed to public offices, since under cover of them they are very hostile to Christians. If, however, anyone does commit such an office to them let him, after an admonition, be curbed by the provincial council, which we order to be held annually, by means of an appropriate sanction. Any official so appointed shall be denied commerce with Christians in business and in other matters until he has converted to the use of poor Christians, in accordance with the directions of the diocesan bishop, whatever he has obtained from Christians by reason of his office so acquired, and he shall surrender with shame the office which he irreverently assumed. We extend the same thing to pagans.
70. Jewish converts may not retain their old rite
Certain people who have come voluntarily to the waters of sacred baptism, as we learnt, do not wholly cast off the old person in order to put on the new more perfectly. For, in keeping remnants of their former rite, they upset the decorum of the Christian religion by such a mixing. Since it is written, cursed is he who enters the land by two paths, and a garment that is woven from linen and wool together should not be put on, we therefore decree that such people shall be wholly prevented by the prelates of churches from observing their old rite, so that those who freely offered themselves to the Christian religion may be kept to its observance by a salutary and necessary coercion. For it is a lesser evil not to know the Lord’s way than to go back on it after having known it.
So, das dürfte erst mal einiges zu denken geben?!
Beste Grüße Nikolaj